domingo, 27 de marzo de 2011


ON THE 1 st of March, students in the iNternational baccaulereate and students from Chicago, taking part in the exchange with the USA and our school have taken the initiative to organize the 1st international debate tournament. The issues they dealt with were: 1. Animal testing are essential to make progress in science. 2. Uniform at school makes students equal. 3.Surveillance cameras make people feel safer.

Teacher ALWAYS decides which role they take either for or against the proposition. They must sound convincing whether they believe in the arguement they give or not.

sábado, 26 de marzo de 2011

POWERPOINT TIME 21st March 2011

Los alumnos de 1º Bachillerato Internacional en el IES ALFONSO X EL SABIO EL 21 DE MARZO continuaron experiencia iniciada el año pasado, presentando y compartiendo con otros grupos sus proyectos de investigación en inglés.

Las presentaciones corrieron a cargo de los alumnos que abajo figuran junto con el título de las mismas:

1. Antonio Losa - Globalization

2.Lorena cuenca - Use of recycling material

3.Marta Inglés - Travelling

4.Ricardo López y

5. Mª del Mar Bernal - Recycling

6.Juan Cánovas - Religious vs. non-religious holidays

7.Eduardo Espuny - Censorship

8.Noelia Matínez - Waste management and control

9.Africa Ruíz y

10.Antonio Pujante - Atmosphere and noise pollution

11.Mercedes Ferrer - Poilitical structure in the UK.